marți, aprilie 25, 2006

Dorothy Lathrop



Frederick Arthur Bridgman 1847-1928
The Siesta

William Clarke Wontner
Safie, One of the Three Ladies of Bagdad 1900

harem art

Hikeaki Kawashima


Girl from Changthang

Simon Pierse


Philip Sugden

Fragments from Another World

The Doors of Perception


Robert Powell

Trees with Twisted Ropes
Proposal for a large scale sculpture. Inspired by the skeins of wool on the rooftops of Mustang and the shimenawa of Shinto shrines in Japan.
Painted Goats
Animal sacrifice is one of the customary ways of pleasing many of the gods of Nepal. These goats, painted for identification and some likely destined for this fate were spotted in southern Nepal (Tarai) near the Indian border.



Nu e prima data cand merg acasa cu Renault-ul vecinilor mei. Mereu mi-a placut sa-mi las capul intr-o parte,spre fereastra, si sa ma pierd in ganduri si vise pana la destinatie. De data asta drumul a fost si mai frumos.Si cum sa nu fie daca vocea Sarei Brightman picura o pulbere magica peste mine. Masina isi vedea de drumul ei iar eu alergam desculta pa iarba verde pana prindeam aripi si ajungeam la norii albi si pufosi...Dansam cu ei, ma invarteam, topaiam si ma asezam lenesa pe un coltisor moala asteptand ca razele de soare sa ma rasfete.